We can send you an instruction sheet detailing how to take the furniture down and re-assemble it.
We give a 20 year structural guarantee
At Aspenn we will advise on aftercare depending on whether the furniture is painted, lacquered, waxed or oiled.
We deliver nationwide, (freestanding furniture only). Delivery and assembly charge is worked out by postcode details.
We make all our furniture using natural wood, pine, solid oak and maple.
6 weeks freestanding, 8 weeks fitted. (we do have a degree of flexibility)
How to dismantle a kids cabin bed…
Don’t worry – we understand that sometimes you might have to dismantle one of our kids cabin beds to allow for decorating or to move it to another room. Our beds are made to the highest quality and are designed so that they can be easily dismantled and re-constructed without any damage. We’ve put together a simple step by step guide to describe how to do this:
1. Remove the mattress, drawers and wardrobe rail. The drawers are numbered on the back – 1 at the top, 3/4 at the botttom.
2. Remove the two front rails (6/7 screws in the middle of the bed and 3 in the corners).
3. Remove the back rail (3 screws to each corner).
4. Remove the bed slats
5. Unscrew the bed base (4 screws to the corners), and remove the screws connecting the top of the frame to the underside of the bed base. These blocks are located under the drawer casing and under the cupboard space (2 screws in each block).
6. Remove the screws of the frame on the cupboard side, and then remove the screws on this side at the back. Remove 3/4 screws in the back panel, and 2 above on the strip directly above the under bed base.
7. The cabin bed end on the cupboard side should now be able to lean outwards from the bed.
8. Remove the bed base.
9. Unscrew the drawer casing (3 or 4 screws on each side) and lift out.
10. Remove screws from frame on drawer side of the bed.
11. Pull both bed ends out so you can lift out the front frame. The frame should pull out from the floor once the bed ends are angled outwards.
12. Remove the floor.
13. Unscrew the drawer side of the back (4 screws).
14. Unscrew the top and bottom strips.
Of course if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will be more than happy to advise you.
A local company make all our mattresses, including bespoke sizes
Aspenn can build beds around most obstacles – like stairwells – or we can make the bed smaller than standard to fit.
Aspenn provide a worksheet detailing taking a bed apart and re-assembling.
An Aspenn bed will not break. We give a 20 year structural guarantee…but that doesn’t mean we’ll buy the bed back when your kids are grown up and left home!
Our rails are higher than most other brands of bed. We can provide an additional barrier across the front opening of cabin beds to give piece of mind until your child gains more confidence in sleeping higher up.

- Finish
- Materials
- No. of Drawers
- Rails
- Colour
- Handle Type